Senin, 06 Juni 2011



With a cocoa content chocolate (cocoa) is more than 70% also have benefits for health, because chocolate is rich in antioxidant content of phenols and flavonoids. With the presence of antioxidants, will be able to capture free radicals in the body. The amount of antioxidants is even three times more than green tea, a beverage that has been often regarded as a source of antioxidants.
With the presence of antioxidants, making the chocolate into a health drink. Phenol, as an antioxidant capable of reducing cholesterol in the blood so it can reduce the risk of heart attack are also useful to prevent cancer in the body, preventing the occurrence of stroke and high blood. Besides the fat content in chocolate high quality proven cholesterol-free and does not clog arteries.
Chocolate also contains several vitamins that are useful to the body such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. In addition, chocolate also contains substances and nutrients essential for the body such as iron, potassium and calcium. Cocoa itself is the highest natural source of magnesium. If someone is magnesium deficiency, can cause hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and problems of woman's monthly pre-menstrual (PMS). By eating chocolate will add magnesium in daily nutrient intake that causes increased levels of progesterone in women. This reduces the negative effects of PMS.


Other benefits of chocolate is to beauty, because antioxidants and catechins present in it can prevent premature aging, so do not be surprised if at this time developed a very good chocolate body scrub for skin beauty.

Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate contains cocoa (cacao) the highest of at least 70% containing cocoa. Dark chocolate contains cocoa or chocolate beans ever, without a lot of sugar and no saturated fat or hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVO).White Chocolate
While the white chocolate has only 33% content of chocolate or cocoa, the rest is sugar, milk and vanilla. The content of this sugar which can give negative effects, such as tooth decay and diabetes.Chocolate Milk or Chocolate Milk
Milk chocolate or milk chocolate is cocoa mixed with milk and sugar added. This type of chocolate is also very popular because it tastes delicious. 
Mistakes are often made when selecting chocolate is to choose chocolate "branded" a cheap or very cheap. Thus have a cocoa content chocolate (cocoa beans) are on average slightly less than 20%, some even less than 7%. This type of chocolate also contains high sugar, high saturated fat content and other vices such as hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVO), resulting in tooth damage and health problems like diabetes.Other chocolate products are also dangerous and bad for health, especially in the form of fondant (usually used to decorate cakes) and praline. Fondant actually contains 100% sweetener and praline equally bad.Wherever possible choose chocolate with the sugar content a bit so you can enjoy the great benefits that have chocolate. You will feel the benefits if you eat chocolate with a cocoa content or a high cocoa beans. Enjoy your chocolate!

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